Monday, December 10, 2012

Home Study Update

I feel like we are SO close...

SO close to completed this first step toward getting him. I feel like I have been saying for months now that we would be turning in our home study paperwork in a week or in a few days...and that's ALWAYS the plan and then a document will get delayed or something else will interfere. The biggest complication has been waiting on military documents...they take FOREVER!!! But we are hoping to be home study approved by the end of January, God willing!!! 

We have everything gathered at this point...all I have to do is print pictures of our family and home. 

So if I am realistic in the time frame of everything...our estimated travel time will likely be late July or early August (if all goes smoothly...which is NEVER a guarantee).

It's's hard to wait and feel like we are at a stand still. We know most families get all their documents turned in for home study within a month or two and here we are on month 4 and are still struggling. Soon...Gods timing is perfect and precise and we know that in the end it will ALL make sense.

All we can do is pray...

Pray for our sweet boy...may he stay strong and courageous!!!

He is so loved.

God Bless,

The Killens

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there! I remember thinking we'd have our homestudy done much sooner than it actually happened. It will be such a great day when it's all done!

    Praying for you and your little guy!
