Monday, February 25, 2013

"Impossibilities" vs. Reality

I feel like we are constantly being faced with "impossibilities"....Just when we think we are settled in our ways, comfortable and content with how things are going...God throws a curve ball out of left field....

But curve balls are to be expected right?! When you are following God step for have to assume that the footprints won't always be in a perfectly straight line. While our God is perfect in his intentions for our life path WE often don't see it as he intends for us to.

We put things off...

Ignore what he puts on our heart...

We think WE know best and that God can't possibly want something different than us...

He unlocks a door and we dig in our pocket for the key to lock it again....


For me, I think the answer is simple...FEAR! Fear of the unknown, fear about how my life will change, fear that God could possibly want something different that what I "think" I want. Adoption is so full of ups an downs...trials and tribulations that will without a doubt try to knock you off course and shake the foundation of your faith....

Delays in paperwork...

Unsupportive family members...

Raising what seems to be an "impossible" amount of money...

There are infinite things that could go wrong; but at the end of the day I KNOW my purpose and despite all the back wash and down right unsavory things that try to worm their way into my thoughts I am reminded EVERY time...with blessed assurance that this journey is of God. Whenever I become stressed about fundraising, paperwork, or just plain overwhelmed....I remember that....

THIS is Aidens life...

I am reminded that precious children like Stacy....Are DYING!! This sweet little girl left this world behind NEVER knowing a Mothers love or a Fathers warm embrace....and sadly she is just one of the MANY orphans that have faced the same fate.

They look like images from a horror film...innocent children...emaciated, tied up, left naked and cold, forced to live day in and day out sleeping in their own waste and never knowing life outside of their beds or the dilapidated four walls of their institution...and yet...this is REAL!!!!

The bible says, "The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.".....

And so I ask...

What are YOU doing?!  

There is NOTHING about adopting a special needs orphan or the process that can remotely compare to what they LIVE with everyday...worrying about stretching the family dollar or making room in your home should seem like very insignificant concerns compared to wondering if you will live to see tomorrow or if you will eat today...

And yet every moment of the day...thousands upon thousands of miles away a child cries out from a dark room...alone, scared and abandoned...wondering if anyone will EVER come....locked away for life...
unless WE do something!!! 

Please pray....

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