Saturday, February 9, 2013

Needing Prayers

I can't be specific as to what we need prayers for...because the Lord is still working on the situation.

But God has recently laid something unexpected on our hearts.

Something we NEVER saw coming... Something that literally seems impossible at this point; but the more we try to ignore Gods cries the harder he knocks.

The more I say, "no, not now Lord." the heavier my heart becomes.

I believe he is still breaking down our barriers and softening our hearts...but deep down I know that he has already spoken.

Everything with Aidens adoption is going great; so its not in relation to that... We just need prayers.

You are all amazing and your support means the world!!!

God bless,

The Killens


  1. Praying excited to see what he has planned for you!

  2. Hey! Came across your YouTube video yesterday and God laid it on my and my husband's hearts to contact you. We have both been involved with the National Federation of the Blind (NFB) for a number of years. We want you to know that there are many families that will be willing to help you with making decisions and finding resources to give little Aiden the best for his needs. There are blind people that you can talk to, from all walks of life, that can share there experiences. There are also family members of blind people that you can talk to. I've met people that have been through the adoption process as well.
    As followers of Jesus, we are excited to see others submitting to His will. If you want more information you can contact us at
    Until then, our prayers are with you.
    James and Beth Konechne
