When you hear a child is in an orphanage or institution MOST people tend to assume that they are fairly well cared for, happy, and thriving as best they can giving their circumstances. While this might be the case for some...it is, more often than not, not at all reality....
I like to believe that Aidens caregivers do all they can for him; so this blog is in no way bashing the caregivers that care for him. From my understanding, Aiden is actually in one of the "better" institutions.
But I also think its
He lives in darkness...no one to comfort him when he is lonely, scared or sick. After years of his cries going unanswered he has resorted to self stimulation by poking his eyes....
sucking his little hands raw, rocking back and forth and hitting his head. His future is destined to be the same as all the days before...he would have been institutionalized for the rest of his life. He would have never been given the chance to grow and thrive, attend school, be rocked to sleep, hugged and kissed everyday, no one would have told him how valuable and precious he is, he would have never been called "son", and would never be spoken to about a God who loves him immeasurably (except through his amazing missionaries!).
So as his Mother (still makes me grin from ear to ear to say that) it hits a nerve when I see pictures like these.....where he is strapped to a high chair for much of his day because it is the only safe place they know to put him...
or of the back of head rubbed almost bald from laying on the floor so many hours a day rocking his head back and forth....
or of his skinny little body just begging for nourishment....
My heart breaks for my sweet son...
But then...I see pictures like these....
Where he is being shown love, kindness, and mercy...
And I am in awe....that despite all he has been through; he can still find joy and laughter...
I often wonder what he would be today if he had never known life without a Mommy and Daddy....
Who would this sweet baby have been today?....
But I know in the end that question matters very little. God has ALWAYS had a plan for Aiden...and his plan is perfect and precise. Aiden is perfect just the way he is...
We are coming for you sweet boy...your Mommy and Daddy love you and your sisters can't wait to play with you!!! We pray that God gives you peace and assurance until we can finally hold you...where you will be forever safe and loved!
Isaiah 45:2 I will go before you and will level the mountains; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron...
I have been praying for this boy. Crying out to God for him. I have felt my mother heart melt for him. I hope that some day God will use me for other orphans in some way. I have wanted to pick this boy up and hold him. I am so happy for him. Crying tears of joy. Know that I have held him too. Maybe not physically and perhaps that will have to wait until heaven, but I am so happy that he has you now. Funny how you connect in a special way to some of these children. Aiden is special! Congratulations!
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful and heartfelt post.i was in your shoes four years ago. It took two years for our adoption to finalize and us travel. It's been a long journey, the past two years with our LIl G home have been filled with ups and downs, I can't imagine life without her. Feel free to visit our blog. We will be praying for you and your little guy.
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful and heartfelt post.i was in your shoes four years ago. It took two years for our adoption to finalize and us travel. It's been a long journey, the past two years with our LIl G home have been filled with ups and downs, I can't imagine life without her. Feel free to visit our blog. We will be praying for you and your little guy.