Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Boy Who Matters!

I have tried many times over the last few days to sit down, collect my thoughts, and write this blog....but for some reason what I have to say is never conveyed in a "meaningful" enough manor.

For now, I am going to skip the part of how we got to this point because I don't want to speak of any organizations until things are more official...

We were recently blessed enough to be put in contact with a few missionaries who have personally spent time with our sweet Aiden. Yes, we are going to call him only seems appropriate to keep the name given to him by those who first showed him love. So his name will be Aiden Louis Killen. I wont use names; but they sent us updated pictures, video and talked in depth with me about their experiences with Aiden. There are NO words that can possibly thank them enough; they are absolutely wonderful and I fully believe that the Lord sent them to our Aiden to be his guardian show him love, comfort, and support...because of them he knows he is not alone and that is worth more than gold.

                    This is our angel; the boy who matters, is loved, and is VERY much wanted.

We were told he loves to climb things, loves to be held and rocked back and forth, and his favorite toy is a slinkie (or anything that he can chew on). It warmed my heart to hear some details of his personality.

My arms ache to hold him and show him all my love, his sisters pray for him every night before they go to bed and his Daddy knows that there is NOTHING he wont be able to accomplish.

Soon my sweet boy...

May God ease your heart and keep you safe until you can come home forever.

We love you so very much..


  1. Hi!
    I just found your blog and I am so excited!!! I don't know if you've ever stumbled across my blog but I spent six months with your little guy and have many posts about him (the latest is here and there are links for the rest at the bottom:

    I would love to hear from you!

  2. Oh my goodness, no, I haven't ever seen your precious!!!!! Thank you SO very much for taking such good care of our sweet boy. We are so thrilled to bring him into our family. From the very moment we saw his picture (knowing nothing about him) we knew that God had called us to be his Mommy and Daddy. He is already so loved and wanted...we are just working as fast as possible to get him home! I would LOVE to talk with you more, my email is or you can find me on facebook.

  3. Hi there! I'm so glad you got in contact with Andrea! I heard about you and was going to suggest talking with her :)
    My name is Kim. We have loved Aiden for over 2 years. We originally committed to adopting a different RR boy from Ukraine in the spring of 2010. That fell through shortly after because he was adopted by another family. When that happened I was sure that Aiden was our son. We love him so dearly. God led us in another direction and we are now preparing our family to move to Ukraine next November. My heart was broken in two to know that Aiden could not be ours, but felt like God gave us peace that He had someone else to be Aiden's mama.
    We have prayed daily for your baby ever since that spring and the sight of his face on MFFM was the best Christmas gift I could have ever received. I cried the ugly cry all day!!!! Ha! His face has been on our dining room wall for forever so we would remember to pray. :)

    I just wanted you to know that Aiden has been very loved and we will continue to pray for him even now. We will pray that God guides your journey, that it is smooth and quick, that Aiden's heart would be prepared for your arrival...and so on.

    You totally have a cheerleader in me! I would love to help you however I can. You have made my day- no, my year!!!! THANK YOU for listening and obeying. I can't thank you enough. :)

  4. Our hearts are filled with so much joy in reading this; praise the Lord that Aiden has had people like you to love him. God has a plan in EVERYTHING!! I want to give you the biggest hug ever for caring for our sweet boy!

    I would love to talk more with you about your time with him! We, of course, want to learn every little thing about him that we can. You can find me on facebook under Katherine Killen or my email is We are definitely praising God today!!

  5. Hi- I am so glad to learn who wil be sweet Aiden's parents. I have a blind son (age3) and I write a blog about him. I have advocated for Aiden a couple times on my blog. There is something special about that boy. Having a blind child myself I could not stop thinking about Aiden. I was beyond excited to hear he had a family coming for him. Best of luck and many blessings to your family.

    1. We are absolutely thrilled!!! Thank you; its so wonderful having such a great support system!

    2. I use my blog to educate my friends and family about my son - feel free to send them the link. I'm sure their fear stems from their love of you and your family. Blind children are really just children who do things a little differently.

      There are so many great resources out there for blind children - free Braille books and free educational materials. Check out the National Federation of the Blind (NFB). They are amazing and have many wonderful opportunities for blind children. and the National Organization of Parents of Blind Children. I'm sure they would love to help you get ready for Aiden!
